
信州大学工学部社会開発工学科:学部2年 2009年冬

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Chapter3 The rule of the substance Skeleton and Black box - transparency

1 Skeleton
3)Wrapped design

2 Black boxed architecture
1)Convinience architecture
a) air-tight architecture
b) electrical architecture
2)Disney Land architecture
3)XL architecture

3 Origins of Skeleton
1) Semper
2) Tectonics by Frampton
a. Tectonics = parts
b. Tectonics = joint
c. Tectonics = structure
d. Tectonics = relationships with ground
3) Architects of the case study houses

4 Material Science in the future
1) simple
2) littleness
3) Multi function

5 What’s seen in the tectonic
1) Material(space)
2) Technology ( period )